Friday, June 4, 2010

Control Freak

Everyone keeps telling me that we should be giving the baby bottles of my pumped breast milk so that he gets used to it for when I go back to school. Well I just can't do that. I feel like if I am around, I should be feeding him. And I sure as hell am not giving him a bottle. I love the skin to skin time we get when he nurses and I am not about to give that up, not even once and awhile. I can't imagine someone else feeding him. It would probably put me over the edge to even see that. I'm ok as with it as long as I don't have to see it, but if I'm there, I'm feeding him.

The other thing I'm being controlling about is the baby spending the night at Will's without me. This baby hasn't ever slept without me, what if he got scared and then I wasn't there? I can imagine that would be terrifying. So that's not going to happen right now.

I might be being a control freak about somethings, but I'm the mom and I get the final say.


  1. Amen! You stick to your guns!

    Tutu Wahine

  2. Hey mama don't feel bad, annabella never got a bottle till she absolutely needed it at 5 months. And now she is 9 months and she hasn't spent the night away from each other. I agree with you 100%

  3. Your little one is so young. Most midwives don't suggest introducing an artificial nipple until you need to or at the earliest 3 months. There is no need to get him used to anything. Most hungry babies will take a bottle if their moms are not around. I have never given one to either of my daughters. That's dads job. As for spending a night alone with dad?? Seriously. Way way to early. I spent my first night away from my daughter at little over a year and boy was I ready for it:)

  4. He has had 1 bottle when his dad took him for a couple hours. He did really well with it and didn't have an issue with nipple confusion, but I don't want to take that risk. I don't go back until August, so he shouldn't really have to have any bottles until then.

  5. I was exactly the same way. It's not a control freak thing- it's a mama's instinct thing. Don't feel pressured to do anything you aren't feeling is right for you and your baby.

  6. I've spent the night away from aiden. It's not so terrible. See he really didn't realize who was or wasn't around YET.... he made it through the night and was fine (mind you he was about 4 months old). BUT we didn't co-sleep NOR did i breast feed

    BUT now aiden is at just about 10 months old. he asks for what parent he wants and if i'm around he cries for my boyfriend and if i'm not around he cries for me so it's a bit harder to not be with him for a whole night

  7. You are the mom and you do get the final say! Go you! On the bottle issue: I do know a couple of babies who won't take bottles now bcs they weren't introduced to them, so if you do need to eventually have him use a bottle, I would suggest that you make sure he occasionally gets one...maybe letting his dad feed him one occasionally? (But it sounds like maybe he already has?). But, hey, you are the mama and you totally get the final say. I love that you're refusing to let others tell you how to raise your little one! And, I'm definitely with you on the baby spending the night away from you. I so would not have been okay with that!
