Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 1: Day 1...I Work Out!

So I'm running a 5k in July and I haven't been running or working out or taking care of myself at all lately. I decided I should probably start working on that. Today is April 1st and the race is July 1st, that's 3 whole months to get in shape.

My only goal for the race is to be able to run it easily. I'm running with someone else so it kind of depends on her too.

My over all health goals are to feel better, look better, and to be able to run after Peanut easily.

I started a Couch to 5k program today. It is a 6 week program that you do 3 days a week and builds intensity until you can run a 5k start to finish.

I was kind of dreading getting back on the treadmill because I let myself down last time. When I hurt my elbow I stopped skating and working out all together. That was 10 weeks ago, there is no reason for that. So today in getting back to it. I feel awesome now that I'm done with the workout and i know that I can do this. There is ALWAYS time for your health, you just have to find it.


1 comment:

  1. yay! I started that program a month ago, but the one i'm doing is actually 9 weeks. I dread it, I hate it, I try everything I can to not do it..but once I do it? I feel great after the workout. The before & during suck though. =]
    Just stay motivated, my goal is to not be so damn lazy!
