As much as I would like to, I can't write about all my drama on here. I really, really want to, but it onvolves individuals besdes myself that may not want this story to play out on the internet. So instead of a post about the dramatic life that is mine, we will have my week in status updates.'s Flog Yo Blog Friday people. So at the bottom of the post I will put the instructions so you can join in too.
October 30th 1:05am
Actions speak louder than words; I may have forgotten that.
October 30th 1:07am
It's time for real posts again.
October 30th 2:15am
I've got a tight grip on reality, but I can't let go of what's in front of me here.
October 30th 3:53pm
Good parties with good friends? Yes please! I'll miss Peanut though.
October 30th 6:38pm
"She's called the Queen Fairy and she's quite the sight to see. The ships all maned by women, not a single bloke in sight."
October 31st 4:08am
had a crazy night. I needed a little break from being Mommy.
October 31st 10:05am
is really tired. I am totally unaccustomed to the party life. But I was a damn sexy pirate.
October 31st 3:58pm
Maybe you should not attack people about their religion while you are at work and in your uniform. They might just call your boss.
November 1st 8:58am
is really cold and even more tired.
November 1st 10:05am
The post about crazy chipotle boy is up
November 1st 12:33pm
Pirate + cupcake = amazing
November 1st 11:55pm
My kid can undo his diaper; awesome.
November 2nd 1:09pm
Don't forget to vote people
November 3rd 12:11am
Karma is a bitch and she just punched me in the face.
November 3rd 1:36pm
Well my phone is too low to send or receive messages even though it is plugged in. And I need to talk to someone.
November 3rd 10:55pm
"Dream big little girls, and you too can one day strip for a president." - TW.
November 4th 9:15am
is tired and doesn't want to do this today.
November 4th 10:30am
This teacher just told us how many sentences to put in a paragraph. We're in college!!!!!!!!
November 4th 9:30pm
According to my mother, it is no shave no blender...not no shave November. Yeah.
Right now
It's hard to Facebook stalk someone that doesn't have anything worth stalking on their profile.
So thats my week in status updates. Some days I get a little status happy.
It's blog hopping time, here are the rules:
1. Follow my blog, the Random Ramblings of a SAHM. I never seem to get to reading all the links here. But believe me, I try. Not that any of this is my idea anyway- FYBF is MummyTime's brainbaby. I stole it.
2. Grab the bubbly button and post it on your sidebar.
3. Link your First Name and/or Blog Name and URL of your post or blog.
4. Add a short description (max of 125 chars). It could be a description of yourself, your blog or a teaser to your latest post. .
5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger.
The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well).
A new and fresh link list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week.
<3 Swt
I have just awarded you a versatile blog award. For details visit here