Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Dear, Sweet Muse

You've returned to me again; I knew you would. I've missed you though. This time you flew into my like a ton of bricks, I didn't have a choice but to listen to you. You always seem to come back at just the right time. Magic.

I love it when you tiptoe back into my head; your pattern pops up and I can't ignore it. Even when I'm not in a place that I can draw or paint I can't move on until those bubbles are made into something tangible, even if it's just a Post-It.

You come to me when I make those silent prayers to the Universe, you help me get it all out of my head and help me make a beautiful offering of art and love.

Sometimes you disturb me. You sneak up on me and the slam me down and scream at me until I make the thing you think I need to. These are the times that I think that maybe you need me. Maybe you can't make your own beauty so I have to do it for you. No matter, it still scares me every time.

The times I love you the most are when you come to me when I'm afraid and I don't have the internal resources to deal with it. You always manage to return me to the things that I know are real and true.

My dear Muse, I love you terribly. Stay around a little longer this time, please.


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